Joint Freak
Okay, now most of my medical anxiety is just med student syndrome , but this latest one… this is just weird. A little background: my dad’s side of the family has all these freakish body things wrong with them–the infamous “Walker stomach,” complete with heart burn, indigestion, and stomach acid problems; the “Walker neck,” and my favorite, the “Walker joints.” My dad and his sisters both pop all their joints, and I have to, too, otherwise they tighten up and it kind of starts to hurt.
In the last couple weeks, however, I’ve taken the joint thing to a whole new level of gross. My manubriosternal joint has begun popping, too. Most people don’t realize it, but there’s a joint in your sternum–at the location of your second rib–and well, mine pops when I stretch my arms and chest out. Ick.