Craving Structure
I know I’m going to regret saying this in about 3 weeks, but I’m ready for school to start back up again. I had a nice break, Christmas, and New Year’s, saw the fam, zoned out, read some books, worked on some website projects I’d been meaning to get off the ground… but it’s time to hit the books again.
It’s bound to be a busy quarter, but I’m looking forward to taking Immunology especially, seeing friends again, and getting back to a routine.
I spent my cRaZy Saturday night cleaning and vacuuming, while watching the NASA Spirit landing broadcast (I was supposed to see some friends, but plans fell through). Got waaaay too excited about vacuuming, and discovered the amazing crevice tool. Went a little overboard, but I figure if it didn’t get done now, it wouldn’t happen until Spring Break, anyway. Also finally got my bed put together, after an entire quarter of lacking the parts from Ikea. Now that the apartment’s ready for prime slob behavior to return it to its unkempt state, I may officially begin school.