Setting A Date
For a ton of reasons (computer died, personal issues, lack of interest), this site’s been a bit dead. But like the Phoenix, I’m rising from my ashes and posting again.
So. About 4 weeks left of preclinical work, then a month of psych and behavioral medicine, then it’s time to study for the Boards, Step 1. I’m scared to death. My only real saving grace is the fact that it’s multiple choice, so even though I might not remember the exact name of every drug and disease, I’ll recognize it when I see it on the page. Other than that, I’m totally screwed.
Wednesday, June 1st is the day. They say you can’t really do more than 5 weeks of intense studying without totally losing it, so 5 weeks it is. Then it’s off to a family vacation some place nice and relaxing, then I start clinics on June 27. I can’t wait.
By the way, if you have any suggestions or study tips, I’m all ears.