Kids These Days
Every so often I get an email like this, essentially asking me to find references and/or answer essay questions for some high schooler. This kid at least pulled off the enthusiasm bit:
Hello, my name is Michael XXX. I am a student at Troy High School who is doing a research project on universal healthcare / single payer system. Would it be possible for me to ask you a few questions regarding this interesting topic??
Please tell me your full name.
1. Tell me what you think universal healthcare means and how it will work.
2. Explain three ways how will it benefit society.
3. Some are concerned that the costs will overwhelm society with heavy taxes. How will healthcare be paid, and is it a viable solution?
4. Does society need universal healthcare? Why? What evidence is there of it?
5. What are at least three reasons against universal healthcare? Please explain.
6. How can you refute these arguments?
Could you also direct me to any more sources that you may know that could prove helpful for my project? I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you!
Michael XXX
My reply (I’m cruel):
Which Troy high school?
Those are fantastic questions, and I would love to participate in an email discussion of these topics! I’m very busy taking care of children on my Pediatrics rotation, but I will definitely find time for this!
If you could provide me with your thoughts to these questions first, I think it will help me to respond more appropriately. I would hate to waste your time telling you information you already know.
Thanks, looking forward to it!