The Candirú
This week’s Grey’s Anatomy featured the Candirú fish , native to the Amazon. It generally parasitizes other fish, drinking their blood, but has been known to swim up human urethras, attracted by urine, and lodge themselves in the urethra with its sharp backwards-pointing spines.
I know, I know, I’m supposed to enjoy the show for its drama, but the “penis fish” man somehow had grapefruit-sized testicles as a result of the urethral obstruction. This ain’t how it works. The testicles are not magically connected to the bladder or something. The guy would end up with postrenal renal failure , not scrotal edema (maybe anasarca or something, but not just in the scrotum, come on).
Oh, and these interns are pimping each other on what an actinic keratosis is? Okay, done ranting.
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