My Own Acute Wiiitis
Earlier this year, one of our colleagues from Spain wrote to the New England Journal describing Acute Wiiitis after playing too much of the Nintendo Wii. I couldn’t remember the actual syndrome or muscle strain, but after having played the Wii for a couple days myself, I thought it must have something the do with the wrist, because my extensor carpi radialis longus tendon (or maybe extensor pollicis brevis ) was killing me.
Then today at the gym stretching, my shoulder was killing me, too. I thought I slept on it wrong or something–but no, it’s just classic acute Wiiitis, as described in the NEJM. Patte’s test positive and all. (Side note: this is a great shoulder examination guide , and this whole Orthoteers site seems like a pretty great orthopod resource, too.)
So no Wii for Mii for a wee bit. (See also: Wii Have a Problem for non-medical Wii problems.)