Wanna be a rich man or woman? Work on wireless monitoring of EKG leads and heart rate, pulse oximetry, blood pressure, and temperature. The cords and wires in the OR
are always a ridiculous mess, but the anesthesiologists are great at untangling them. (I’d love to see their Christmas lights and computer desks.)
Me? I’m working on an even more revolutionary invention: the wireless IV.
On a 2-week rotation of Anesthesia recently, hence the not posting. I find myself using my eyes to pretty much express every emotion, since the rest of my face is
masked. (This happened while I was on surgery, as the surgeons do it too, but I’ve become quite skilled at it recently, since the nurses and attending and I
will often try communicate silently in the OR, since that whole “people with scalpels and needles should probably be able to concentrate if they want”
mentality is quite popular around these parts.)