The Story of the Color Red . Weird, but lovely.
May 2nd, 2006Even Fox News couldn’t find opposing EMed docs : “Doctors interviewed for this article unanimously decried the deterioration of emergency care and see a single-payer universal health plan as the answer. They point out that government programs could meet important health needs and operate with less overhead than private plans designed to make profits and satisfy stockholders.”
May 2nd, 2006Will this Pope change the Church’s stance on condoms? (Please say yes.)
May 2nd, 2006
I Heart Guts
is a cute website with stickers, bags, and t-shirts with Japanese pop art of all the major organs. Love it!
Kosmix, one of the new “health search engines,” includes grahamazon in its sources . Sweet.
April 30th, 2006Update: If you’re looking for the video, it was taken down from YouTube, but can still be found here .
He hits on all the major points, and insults the press, too. Parts one , two , and three .
April 30th, 2006I got them all right! (I’m on psych, so it’s especially fun to read Maria’s entries lately.)
April 26th, 2006
I just won a $25 Visa gift card on Blingo!
It’s essentially a Google search, except you win prizes by searching.
Check it out
and sign up as my Blingo Friend.
A new antibiotic compound has been found in wallaby milk : “Compound AGG01 was found to be effective against a relative of the hospital superbug MRSA, or golden staph, as well as ecoli, Streptococci, Salmonella, Bacillus subtilus, Pseudomonas spp, Proteus vulgaris, and Staphylococcus aureus.”
No word if it’s actually safe in humans yet.
April 23rd, 2006